Academic Degree:
- Ph.D: 1992, Dept. of Soil Science, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, USA
- MS: 1987, Dept. of Agronomy, New Mexico State University
Las Cruses, NM, USA
- BS: 1984, Soils Science, Dept. of Soil Science, Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
Thesis Title:
Msc Thesis:
Extractability of Iron, Zinc, and Cadmium in sludge amended calcareous soils
PhD Thesis:
Effect of landscape position on soil water distribution and solute transport
Advisor: for 43 MS students and 20 PhD students science 1994.
Currently 5 MS and 4 PhD students are working with me.
Editor-in -chief, Journal of Water and Soil.
Head of Center of Excelence for Soil and Water Pollution